Jump into this 1933 R305 Tattoo Orbit starter set of (26) different cards, (21) of which are graded by SGC. Included are SGC 70: Harder; SGC 60: Lucas; SGC 50: Hartnett; SGC 40: (4 cards) with Earnshaw, Grimm, Root, P. Waner; SGC 30: (7 cards) with Cissell, Haas (Lionel Carter), Ba. Herman, Lyons, Malone, McManus, Seeds; SGC 20: (3 cards) with Martin, Tinning (Lionel Carter), Warneke; SGC 10: (2 cards) with Dean, Simmons; SGC Authentic: (2 cards, both Lionel Carter) with Collins, Stephenseon; Ungraded: (5 cards) with Andrews SP (PR), B. Herman (PR), Koening (FR), O’Doul (GD) and Porter (FR).