Greetings from Chicagoland! Served up is a multi-spot selection of (6) full-size pennants from the Chicago region. Dating from the 1950s-1960s, these handsome banners radiant display appeal, with dynamic designs and vibrant colors. Unless noted, condition averages Ex to Ex-Mt, with:
Cubs baseball (3):
1950s multi-color on blue with batter, stadium, mascots. and the legend "Cub Power";
1960s multi-color (2) identical with batting mascot, team logo, and Wrigley Field;
Bears football (2):
1950s orange on black with quarterback, mascot and ball carrier;
1950s orange on black with mascot carrying a ball;
Notre Dame football (1):
1950s multi-color on blue with running back and stadium.
Opening Bid $150.