Superstars make a scorching appearance, with this selection of (16) single-signed baseballs. All of these spheres are official types ranging (EX to NM+), and the autographs range ("7" to "9").
Featured are:
(2) With individual full photo LOAs from JSA:
Sandy Koufax on an ONL/Feeney ball;
Mark McGwire on an OAL/Brown ball;
(14) Come with auction LOA from JSA:
Joe DiMaggio on an OAL/Budig ball;
Stan Musial on an ONL/White ball;
Bill Terry on an ONL/Feeney ball;
Ken Griffey Jr. on an OAL/Budig ball;
George Brett on an OML/Selig ball;
Robin Yount on an OAL/Brown ball;
Cal Ripken Jr. on an OML/Selig ball;
Harmon Killebrew on an OAL/Brown ball;
Brooks Robinson on an OAL/Brown ball;
(2) Warren Spahn both on ONL/Giamatti balls;
(3) Rod Carew all on OAL/Brown balls.