The cards these wrappers once held! Strong “break” potential awaits the victor of these (382) 1952-1980 Topps, Bowman and Philadelphia Football wrappers. This assortment generally presents (EX-MT) quality throughout. Included are Topps Wrappers: (378 wrappers) with (1) 1958 one-cent, (1) 1959 one-cent, (2) 1962, (13) 1973, (12) 1974, (20) 1975 (45% price stickers), (62) 1976 (10% price stickers), (63) 1977, (5) 1978, (162) 1979, (35) 1980; Bowman Wrappers: (3 wrappers) with (2) 1952 Small, 1952 Large and Philadelphia Wrapper: 1965.