The currency of choice for the classic baseball collector is undoubtedly found with the offered 1964 Topps Baseball Coins complete set of (164/164) plus all three variations. These circular treasures generally average (EX to EX-MT) with some better and others lesser. Highlights include #55 Clemente (EX-MT), #80 Mays (NM), #83 Aaron (EX-MT), #106 Koufax (EX-MT), #120 Mantle (EX-MT), #131 Mantle AS (both poses EX-MT), #149 Aaron AS (NM-MT), #151 Mays AS (NM), #159 Koufax AS (EX-MT), #161 Causey ERR (EX-MT) and #162 Hinton ERR (EX).