Presented are (26) 1911 T205 Gold Border singles, all of which have been graded SGC 50. For such a condition sensitive set, this grouping is an exhaustive feat. Featuring distinctive designs for American and National League players, a single variation also exists. Aside from single Polar Bear and Hassan examples, the body of the group contains Piedmont backs. Included are: Piedmont SGC 50: Abbaticchio, Austin, Beck, Carrigan, Criger, Delehanty, Doolan, Elberfeld, Graham (Rustlers), Hartsel, Herzog, Knight, McIntire, Moran, Olmstead, Parent, Pelty, Phillippe, Reulbach, Schaefer, Schulte, Tannehill, White, Wilson; Hassan SGC 50: Byrne and Polar Bear: McLean. Solid representations from this ornately designed edition.