Issued to and autographed by Reggie Jackson as he began his memorable tenure in the Bronx, this Hillerich & Bradsby “K75” signature model bat (32.8oz/34-1/2”) was turned during the 1977-1979 labeling period, yet bears a black-marker notation of “9” (Jackson's uniform number during his 1976 season in Baltimore) on the knob. Just to the right of the barrel stampings, Jackson's black marker signature is faded, but still shows (“5”) strength). Turned in a promotional capacity (as Jackson did not order “K75” models with these specifications until 1982), this uncracked lumber shows game-ready to light use with scoring and pine-tar residue on the handle. Accompanying is a full photo LOA from John Taube PSA/DNA (for bat only), as well as an auction LOA from James Spence Authentications (for autograph only).