All (6) of these NBA Authentic jerseys have the appropriate tagging on the left front shirttail including size, manufacturer and year, and all exhibit game-use. They include:
1994-96 Scott Burrell - Charlotte Hornets #24, Champion size 48, autographed “Scott Burrell #24” (“8-9”) on the back number “4.” Auction LOA from James Spence/JSA.
1994/95 Jeff Grayer - Philadelphia 76ers #14, Champion size 44.
1997/98 Tony Battie - Denver Nuggets #4, Starter size 50.
2004/05 John Thomas - Memphis Grizzlies #25, Reebok size 52.
2004/2005 Jake Tsakalidis - Memphis Grizzlies #12, Reebok size 54.
2007/08 Anthony Blatche - Washington Wizards #32, Adidas size 52. Opening Bid $200.