Each graded by PSA with common advertising backs, unless noted. Sweet sixteen of 1909-1911 T205 Gold Borders and T206 White Borders featuring a Hall of Famer, Southern Leaguer and other key cards. Includes:
1909-11 T206 White Borders: (11 cards) with Bernhard (PSA 1.5, Nashville, Old Mill), Carr (PSA 1.5), Chase (PSA 1, Throwing, Dark Cap), G. Davis (PSA 2), Hoblitzell (PSA 1.5), Knabe (PSA 1, mk), Krause (PSA 1.5), McGraw (PSA 3, Glove at Hip, American Beauty 460), M. McIntyre (PSA 1.5), Nicholls (PSA 1.5, Hands on Knees), F. Smith (PSA 1.5, Chicago & Boston, Polar Bear);
1911 T205 Gold Borders: (5 cards) with Ferguson (PSA 1), Fromme (PSA 2), Hauser (PSA 2), Titus (PSA Authentic), Wiltse (PSA 1, Both Ears Show)